- Solitude Part 1
I thought they were lying when they said light always finds a way to appear in darkness... I was mistaken, it really does.
"There, in an empty room, my chair sits alone next to a desk with a piece of paper and pencil laying solitude on a wooden surface, a lamp shines down on them, and darkness leaves the room..."
'Solitude' continued...

...the light flickered, as the window flew open and the curtains flew back, the sun shining into the room. The wood floors were warm and the desk sit there in the glory of the sun. Pictures lay scatted on the floor and a breeze through the window picks them up and sends them flying though the room. Pictures and drawings and letters whirl around... Serenity sits up and looks around herself to see just darkness, she rubbed her eyes and stood up and she thought silently to herself. The darkness started to flee, leaving her alone in a white land. She took a step forward, hearing her footsteps echo. Ahead of her she saw a door, wide open, warm yellow light pouring out of it. She walked closer to it until she put her hand on the door frame and peaked her head in to see her desk and pages flying around her, she walked closer, shielding her eyes with her forearm from the bright sun, rubbing her eyes she lowered her arm and reached down and picked up a drawing that flew onto her desk...
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