SerenityStyles PHOTOGRAPHY

SerenityStyles PHOTOGRAPHY
SerenityStyles Photography

Monday, April 28, 2014

A thousand pictures tell a story..... or was it the other way around?!

Hey Guys. Don't yell at me. I know I have completely left my blog to the slow decay of the internet world... But I am here to wipe off the dust and make it squeaky clean. School is almost over which means lots of free time! So this blog is in need of a good ol' revival. Sounds like a good time for a story does it not? ~hem hem~ Let the story begin.

She's counting on her fingers, "1, 2, 3, 4... 18, 19, 20... 46,47,48,49.... annnnd..... fift-" she pauses half way through her word and stops... "Where's fifty?" she rummages through all the pictures again, quickly counting them one by one again. Puzzled she scrunches her eyebrows and stares down at each photo, "I don't have enough. Every good photographer has hundreds and hundreds of amazing pictures. Why can't I seem to take that many picture?" She taps her finger and looks around the room, "there's nothing to photograph in this stupid room. I've already snapped pictures of the entire yard and I have no way of going anywhere cool... I want to go to Paris and get pictures of painters wearing their berets sitting beyond the Eiffel Tower. I want to go to Egypt and take pictures of the pyramids. Anywhere....But I can't go there, not yet at least." She paused and sighed and looked down at her 49 pictures of random objects around her room and in her yard, then threw them into the trash and slouched back. She stopped and looked down in the trash

"a picture is worth a thousand words" ... not the other way around 

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